Tagung und Seminar
A relaxed atmosphere has a positive effect on your mind and body
To garantee your business meeting will be great we offer you the best technical equipment.
Are you tired and K.O.? Just walk some rounds through the beautiful “Viktoriapark” in your break. There you get some new energy!
You want to go into the oldtown after your meeting has finished? Perfect, it´s just a short walk away from you.
If you need some big city feeling that´s no problem either. The metropolis Frankfurt is just 15km away and also easy to reach by public transportation.
Our meeting room can be easily used for up to 8 people.
Just book one of our arrangements or contact us anytime if you need more informations.
our normal offer if you book a business room:
- flipchart 10 pieces of paper included
- canvas
- overhead projector
- free WIFI
- Notebooks and pencils for every member of the meeting
can be requested aditionally:
- bulletin board (€ 25)
- beamer (€ 150)
- moderator case (€ 20)
- everything you need upon that
We would love to send you an individual offer, just give us a quick call!